Friday, February 3, 2012


Well then.  Here we go again.  Another Rachael blog.

Truthfully, I have been scheming a photography style sort of blog type thing for a while now.  Alas, I struggled.  Seriously? Yet another blog of a photographer (read : Mama With a Fancy Camera) showcasing "previews" of her photography sessions?  Um, how about "no."  Not my style.  Albeit useful, just kind of... blah.  Boring.  Done.

So, I waited.  Patiently and ever so aware, for the right inspiration to come running into me, head on.

And it did.

And so I present the Rachael Thackston Photography "blog" - brimming with ideas and thoughts and tips on making your own photos better.  And yes, the occasional eye - rolling "session preview" might make it's way in here and there. 

Sound good?

